Table of Contents Overall

Drawing up the table of contents (TOC) was quick and easy, as my piece was heavily inspired by WDW Magazine's TOC. Actually morphing it into reality was where the trouble was.

I did change one of the pictures, like I said in my last post, but the layout stayed the same. I even kept most of the titles and page numbers from the mock-up. The hardest part was making it so that the captions on the pictures were in a place that would not obscure the main image. After trial and error, I found the perfect place for the text that held the caption in the trusty, modern Biko font.

I placed a white border around the pictures to allow them to pop a bit more and to separate it from the black background,

The "More Scares...." text was originally meant to be aligned to the left but ended up looking better in the middle. It became more of a division between pictures and text like I intended in the first place. I also used iTC Willow font again as it creates the perfect creepy aura. 

Making the text pop seemed to be the most difficult aspect. I went through many trials to make the white look good against the black and the blood splatter (which I had placed down near the end of the creation to make the page look more exciting and less barren). I tried many methods before I learned that putting a low opacity text box behind the text would help. With that addition, the blood would not disrupt the text as much and it could be seen much clearer than before. I also made sure to add a bold effect to the numbers so as to separate them from the article titles. The Biko font was once again used.

The final touch was creating a logo for my magazine that I could put at the bottom of the table of contents. I created the KF ("Kinetic Force") logo in Photoshop. The design was meant to symbolize a roller coaster track that connected the "K" and the "F". I created a white box and then typed "KF" in iTC Willow. Then, I drew a track directly onto the piece digitally. I felt the logo adds to the seniority of the magazine. Creating a logo means it is something that can be seen by an audience and be distinguished as a well-known magazine. Many magazines--even travel ones--have this element so I felt mine should as well.

WDW Magazine TOC
Kinetic Forces Logo


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